On September 28th, 1987 the Star Trek franchise continued with a new ship and a new crew. Star trek The next Generation was born picking up where the Original crew left off, Star Trek The next Generation or TNG as we trekkers like to call it, takes off with new adventures and new missions to explore strange new worlds. The commanding officer of this newly christened U.S.S. Enterprise N.C.C.-1701-D a Galaxy Class starship is Captain Jean Luc Picard. unlike captain Kirk, Captain Picard is a well seasoned veteran officer who commands his crew with a High standard for duty and Principals. In this new Star Trek Series, there are a ton of new alien species and familiar ones we've heard of from the original series like the Vulcan, Andorians, Telerites, Klingon, and Romulans etc. However, some new alien races are introduced into the show like the Q who you will see through out the series and another new race known as the Borg.
Captain: Jean Luc Picard
First Officer: William T. Riker
Counselor: Deanna Troi
Science Officer: Data ( the Android)
Tactical/Chief of Security: Worf ( Klingon)
Chief Engineer: Geordi LaForge
Chief Medical Officer: Beverly Crusher
Acting Ensign: Wesley Crusher
Ship's Bartender: Guinan
Originally, Denise Crosby who played Tasha Yar was the Chief of security before Worf However, she was killed off because she felt that her Character was being kept in one place and left the show during the first season. However, she did try to revive her Role as Security Chief , and Romulan Commander Sela in the episodes Yesterdays Enterprise ( season 3) and the two part episode Unification ( season 5).
Diana Muldaur( Dr Kathrine Pulaski) Also served as the Chief Medical Officer Aboard the Enterprise for a year because Dr Beverly Crusher accepted an assignment as Head of Starfleet Medical. Her Uniform was a skant variant type, she did not feel comfortable wearing the one piece jumpsuit because she felt that it would not suit a middle aged woman like herself at that time. Pulaski is the only regular cast member of a post-TOS Star Trek series to be played by an actor or actress who had also appeared in the original series.
Famous Picard sayings: " engage", " make it so", " Tea Earl Grey", " you have the Bridge number one".
During the original casting of the character Geordi La Forge, Sydney Poitier was originally cast to play the Role of La Forge however, he turned down the role because he felt that this character was more suited for someone younger. And so it was decided that Lavar Burton was perfect for this role and at the same time he was chosen for this role he was still hosting Reading Rainbow. The Character name Geordie La Forge originated from a Star trek fan by the Name of George La Forge who Passed Away from muscular dystrophy.
The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D was a Galaxy Class starship that was commanded by Jean Luc Picard through out the course of the series. However, His first starship command was that of the USS Stargazer NCC-2893 which was a Constellation class starship and was presumed destroyed at the battle of Maxia.
Guinan had an on and off role on TNG, however, she was an essential member of the ships crew. Guinan was the ships bartender and hostess in in the Ten Forward Lounge of the Enterprise and she also served as the go to person for advice as well. Guinan comes from an Alien race called the Elorians and according to StarFleet History, the Elorians are a race of beings that are scattered through out the galaxy. Her home planet was attacked by the cybernetic Species known as the Borg and most of her people were assimilated. Guinan and a few other survivors of her race were saved by the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B the Predecessor of the Enterprise-D in the year 2265. not much is known about her exact age however, Guinan has the ability to sense things beyond or outside of the space time contiume. Other than Counselor Deanna Troi, Captain Picard also confides in the advice and wisdom of Guinan when ever he's faced with a Difficult decision. Captain Picard and Guinan have a very strong friendship and they both confide in each other when they need to.
Star Trek The Next Generation had a successful seven year run but On May 23, 1994 The Series came to an end. During the phasing out process of TNG, Paramount was already producing another series that would Continue where TNG left off. On January 3 1993 Star trek Deep Space Nine was born.
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